50k games of POG played daily on Fractal !!!

Oct 24, 2022


Over 4 Million Pogs Flipped & 250,000 Games Played in the first 5 Days on Fractal!

Nearly 1000 Players from around the world competed over 5 days in the 1st Official POG Tournament since the late 90s. This time Poggers competed digitally in over 50,000 games per day. Prizes totaled nearly $20k in USD, with Grand Prize remaining in-house as the Founding Pogger Community won the Community Prize with almost 2 Million Pogs flipped!

Additional POG Tournaments are being set up with additional communities currently, while the Play for Keeps version is under development!




Written by POG®

The 💯 Authentic POG Brand | 200 Million Collectors | 10 Billion Collectibles Sold

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